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  • GPT-4 vs AI Detection

    GPT-4 “GPT-4 can solve difficult problems with greater accuracy, thanks to its broader general knowledge and advanced reasoning capabilities.” – OpenAI GPT-4 Test In this test I’ll be using Poe AI to access GPT-4 for free as currently at the time of writing it is a paid GPT model. GPT-4 Initial Prompt The initial prompt…

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  • Transvribe – Educational AI for Youtube

    Introduction Transvribe is an AI-powered tool built by Zahid to help users learn more effectively on YouTube. With its powerful AI embeddings, Transvribe makes it easy for users to search for any video and quickly find the information they need. Transvribe allows users to paste a YouTube URL and start asking questions. This makes it…

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  • How to Convert PDF’s to Images with GIMP

    Introduction Sometimes you may need to convert a PDF to an image PDF, which is a PDF file that contains images instead of text displayed over images. This can be useful for a variety of reasons, such as when you want to preserve the formatting of the original PDF or when you want to share…

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