Bypassing GPT-Zero’s ChatGPT Detection Program Using Different Font Types

Jacob Gonzales Avatar



What is GPT-Zero?

GPT-Zero is a tool that uses certain characteristics of AI to identify when AI is being used. It looks at things like how difficult it is for the AI to understand certain words or phrases, and uses this information to tell if the AI was involved in creating a piece of text. It’s like a “fingerprint” for AI, that can detect when it has been used.

Premium AI Detection Bypasses:

GPT-Zero: Limitations and Ways to Circumvent Them


GPT-Zero can identify responses generated by ChatGPT, however, its capabilities are limited. Currently, it cannot be used in real-world applications. If the need to bypass GPT-Zero arises, this is a simple method to do so.

Ways to Circumvent GPT-Zero Using Different Font Types:

You can use any text for my example, in this case I will be using a string generated by ChatGPT based on the question “Explain quantum computing in simple terms”.

Quantum computing is a type of computing that uses quantum-mechanical phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to perform operations on data. Unlike classical computers that use bits to represent information and perform calculations, quantum computers use quantum bits (qubits) which can be in multiple states at the same time. This allows quantum computers to perform certain calculations much faster than classical computers, making them well-suited for solving complex problems in fields like cryptography, chemistry, and machine learning.

If we were to input a string of text generated by ChatGPT into GPT-Zero, it would likely classify the text as being generated by an AI.

AI Content Detected

Note: You can test your text here. Be sure to select “Get Result” at the end of the page.

Step 1: Utilizing Python Script

Now that we know our freshly generated text from ChatGPT is detected by the algorithm of GPT-Zero, we can use a very simple tool to bypass GPT-Zero’s detection method. The tool we will use is a Python script that automatically replaces letters in sentences with the same letters but in a different font. It’s easy to use. Simply copy the script below

import random def replace_letters(file_buffer): # Changes all AEOaeo letters with the cyrillic varients. file_buffer = file_buffer.replace('a', '𝚊') file_buffer = file_buffer.replace('q', '𝚚') file_buffer = file_buffer.replace('u', '𝚞') file_buffer = file_buffer.replace('n', '𝚗') file_buffer = file_buffer.replace('t', '𝚝') file_buffer = file_buffer.replace('m', '𝚖') file_buffer = file_buffer.replace('c', '𝚌') file_buffer = file_buffer.replace('o', '𝚘') file_buffer = file_buffer.replace('l', '𝚕 ') return file_buffer def insert_zwj(file_buffer): output = "" zwj = "\u200D" # Zero Width Joiner unicode character for char in file_buffer: output += char # Randomly insert zero width joiner if random.random() < 0.2: # Lower number = Less ZWJ output += zwj return output print(insert_zwj(replace_letters(input()))) input()

Note: To stay updated on the development of this script, visit my GitHub fork at

Step 2: Utilizing Online Python

Once you have copied the script above, simply paste it into to utilize it online. Example image will be shown below

Online Python

To proceed, follow these steps in order:

Press the green run button

Online Python Run Button

Paste your text into the white input field

Online Python Result Field

Press enter when done

Press the red stop button

Online Python Red Stop Button

Press copy to clipboard button

Online Python Copy Button

Paste the output into a text editor or notepad

Copy the second output

Output Text File

Note: If you are getting a lot of popup ad's consider installing uBlock Origin

Once your article has been rewritten by the python script, copy and paste your text into GPT-Zero then press Enter to start the analyzation process. Scroll to the bottom of the page and select “Get Result” you will notice we have successfully bypassed GPT-Zero’s detection method!

AI Content Undetected

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